Saturday, August 20, 2011

nishabd si woh raat...

रात के अँधेरे से की थी एक बात,
कब जाने दिल छोड़ा था साथ;
एक आधे चाँद ने था मुस्कुराया
तुम्ही को तो मैं खो कर आया ।

रात के अँधेरे से की थी फिर एक बात,
सुबह तक क्या थामोगे मेरा हाथ ;
आज किसी मोड़ पे चांदनी खो गयी
शायद सुबह की रौशनी में वो भी समां गयी

रात है कल फिर आएगी,
निशब्द होकर खो जायेगी;
रौशनी की पहली किरण से ,
निशान तक मिट जायेगी ;
चांदनी भी शर्मा के चली जाएगी,
रौशनी की लहर में फिर समां जायेगी,
अँधेरी रात की पलों में यही तो थी
कही जो मैंने छोटी सी वो बात

Friday, August 19, 2011


Last nite net got couldnt post the rain one..was surfing aimlessly and came across a lovely quote on a mug.

Saawan Bhaado

Dark grey clouds,heavy pelting showers,the rhythm of rains...they have always been one of my favourite things.
I remember back in boarding school,how I used to love the rainy evenings.Friends kept on grunting about not to be able to play outside...but I always felt a joy seeing the threads of water droplets falling on the earth quenching its thirst.Music to my to my heart !!!
Jhuti muti mitwa aawan bole
Bhado bole kabhi saawan bole

The lyrics and the songs are the fondest memories close to my heart since those rainy evenings in the hills of Ranchi.
Today when I sit in solitude watching the showers,just reminds me how I have evolved,my aspiratioms,dreams,hopes...over the seasons.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happiness is subjective.Its not always that if we smile,we are happy.Sometimes happiness is the stimulus to the perimeter around us.
Well...well....I really sound like a lost wanderer.Never mind,taking to writing after so long...just letting emotions and imaginations..and words run wild to get a hang of it..Thats why surprisingly three posts in a succession.
When life takes a beat or when I am lost...correct...lost in translation..of my thoughts to my actions,I really find it difficult to connect back to my existence.Would have loved to hear from others how they go about it.
I sometimes then let my mind wander to think of Howard Roark..that guy was brought down by every force around him..but he did rose back at the end..cause he had optimism and objectivism...and Dominique !!!
Sometimes inspirations from any corner can light up the path ahead..isnt it??

The night swept in,
Silence that came along played
On the tides of the darknes

The night swept in,
Creatures of twilight
Crept out of their corners

The night swept in,
Wanderers of day lost in translation
Searched their way back to home

The night swept in,
With promises that a new day beckons
On the other end of the horizon!!!

Love Cycle

Came across this in the web...

Back in the woods

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

My last post was way back in Dec,2009...A whole lifetime has passed since then. I have changed,my life,loves,aspirations,dreams....i guess almost everything.Hard to believe but its somwhat true.
Writing has always been a passion for me.Once upon a time used to be known for words betray me.But something happened yesterday.A very old but close friend came back in my life.Was chatting with her and came to know she had lost her husband of two years tragically couple of months back.A young girl cheated of happiness by fate.As per my norms,she should hv been torn apart and lost in life.But i was surprised to see her optism towards life..a hope to recreate her life,her career,to get back to studies.And then after so many years heard someone say what happened to your writing...ur stories...we girls still remember and miss them...they used to make us happy.
That shook me back to reality...should all be always lost...y cant i atleast make a starting....i too owe something to myself,to this life..
So sat today,edited my blog...and here I am.
Have been thinking for long to make the blog thematic...but will do that on a seperate address :) This was my first and it will be always about my personal reflections.