Thats it….Enough of laziness….reprimanded myself for just thinking, thinking but not being regular enough to blog…But now no excuses…some disciplines should be maintained;);)
C’mon Mr Big B and Shobha De…being so busy….can keep up regularly such a discipline…so y not me…who has so much of free time on hand…
Hmmmm….4 months since coming back to India…finally settled down…both at work and home…managed to have some short travelling trips also in btw…spent lovely time with family, relatives and friends.But now need to select the next goal to move onto…days in life just running by fast…and still have to achieve so much…
More on this space soon….love to be back here!!!!!!!!!
yup, i havnt updated my blog from long time too. and give reasons to my friends, well point to b noted despite having busy schedules Big b updates his blog every day..