Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009- the answer it can be!!!

A new year has walked in...nice feeling!!!What historic changes from 31st Dec to 4th Jan to lead to hyper-partying,fountains of champagne & wine,flow of food and wishes and gifts??? Categorically speaking,nothing!!! As a friend believes and refuses to get excited,(obviously unalike the hyper-me)saying that its just the start of the English Calendar.Maybe right...Each year after the extreme partying,I too feel the same...but in the jangling and jerking of the high nerves,and following the footsteps of family,friends and like,always leads to a non-existent 1st of Jan morning..(this year I made it better,I didn't sleep 31st night!!!)
But what the fading away 2008 left behind in its last days-
1)Israel's attack on Gaza strip..Its today 9 days to the war!!!(As always wait and watch!!!)
2)A fire in a nightclub at Bangkok left dead and injured in hundreds at the strike of midnight on 31st Dec.
3)Blasts in Assam on 31st.(Did it raise any brows???oh,we are used to it!!!)
4)India-Pakistan hostility grows.But the innocents who lost their lives or their dear ones still waits the reply and justice and an assurance that it won't happen again in the political crossfire!!!(Just wait and watch...)
5)Five senior members from various teams I know at my mighty Investment Bank got fired..the economic crunch continues!!! is spreading its claws fast around the world....
2009 has to be a beginning be an answer to the year 2008...Can we stop the wars?Can the rockets stop hitting civilian apartments and killing 5 year olds playing on their apartment roof,unaware of the aggressive world?Can the Indian government stop worrying of the upcoming elections,saving their grace and world image..and commit their souls to the fear-stricken India that it wont happen again tomorrow,that again when the terrorists knock our doors,we are ready to chase them and not take a step back???Can we all work with the fear of not losing our jobs in the times of financial turmoil?

"I am the new year.I am the unspoiled page in your book of time.....
All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me,waiting for you to search it
but with more determination..."(Bible Illustrator)

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